Version History

Note: This site's version history may be incomplete and may lack significant details.

Version 2.4.2 - March 4, 2024.

• Sunsetted domain and transferred site to

Version 2.4.1 - June 16, 2022.

• Fixed an issue that prevented hash strings from being processed if changed after the initial page load.

Version 2.4 - June 14, 2022.

• IorL now uses the # after the root domain to process strings via the address bar, instead of ? queries. This allows for better processing of special characters in strings containing links.

Version 2.3.4 - March 14, 2022.

• Removed "FAQ" link from tool-only.php header, and replaced it with an external link icon that redirects to index.php (for embeds).

Version 2.3.3 - September 7, 2021.

• Fixed issue preventing spaces from being decoded when processing queries using the ?[YOUR_STRING_HERE] feature. Links with spaces can now also be processed using this method.

Version 2.3.2 - April 23-24, 2021.

• Modified algorithm to strip %20 from queries using the ?[YOUR_STRING_HERE] feature, allowing users to input strings with spaces using that method. Note: this feature does not work with links including spaces.

• Per u/ichankal's suggestion, added the ability to distinguish between capital O and the number 0. Capital O is now changed to lowercase o, and 0 is now shown with strikethrough tags (thanks u/whineylittlebitch_9k for pointing out the best method of accomplishing this).

• Per u/Quant112358's suggestion, ones are now shown with strikethrough tags.

• Optimized algorithm.

Version 2.3.1 - March 26-27, 2021.

• Eliminated inline styles and scripts. Modified algorithm to change elements using classes, as opposed to inline styles.

Version 2.3 — February 25-27, 2020.

• Added the ability to invoke the algorithm using query. It can now be used like[your-string].

• Made navbar sticky. Added drop shadow to navbar to distinguish on sections with same background color.

• Added CCPA/GDPR disclaimers in FAQs.

• Commented algorithms.

• Added Yandex.Translate translation tool.

• Fixed misspelling of "sensitive" for link results. Previously, it was spelled "sensative". I'm not dyslexic, but there's a serious case here for me to see a doctor. Thanks to @cwkhawand for pointing that out!

Version 2.2.1 — October 25, 2019.

• Added styling to support notched mobile devices.

Version 2.2 — August 10-11, 2019.

• Changed algorithm to set unused elements for a given string to display:none; as opposed to visibility:hidden;, and display:initial; as opposed to visibility:visible;.

• Fixed element spacing issues on main pages (index.php and tool-only.php). This involved adding new <br> elements and modifying others, as well as adding new variables and IDs for certain elements that the algorithm interacts with.

• Added a code-style <pre> element that displays when link results are displyed that shows the original link in plain-text form.

• Changed warning text that displays with link results to detail the added <pre> element.

• Edited version-history.php to include bullet points in front of each changelog item.

• Changed footer of tool-only.php to white.

• Added <code> tags in place of most instances of "" in version history.

• Changed titles of each individual page to better represent the content of each page. For example, the title of index.php was changed from I or l? to Home — I or l?.

Version 2.1.4 — May 20, 2019.

• Implemented speeder.js for faster image loading.

Version 2.1.3

• Added version history page, added version numbers at bottom of all pages.

Version 2.1.2

• Changed "number of strings processed" counter to update if and only if the counter has changed.

Version 2.1.1

• Changed "number of strings processed" counter to update every 10 seconds in order to reduce server load.

Version 2.1

• Added "number of strings processed" counter that updates every 1 second.

Version 2.0

• Reconfigured site code to process strings correctly. Previously strings would only be processed if there was at least one i before any instances of l.

Version 1.3.1

• Deployed tool-only.php version of site.

Version 1.3

• Added code text boxes in FAQ for embedding.

Version 1.2

• Edited and expanded FAQ.

Version 1.1.1

• Added template credits in footer.

Version 1.1

• Added FAQ.

• Wrote initial FAQ questions and answers.

Version 1.0.1

• Changed algorithm to make changed letters appear boldfaced using <b> tags.

Version 1.0

• Site created.

• Template deployed from

• Initial algorithm created.